Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tricky Meat

Hey all,

Cruising around (stalking) Andrew G's blog today and I came across this pretty cool site -http://www.meatrix.com/ ... Although it only re-establishes things I already know I thought it was pretty awesome and well thought out, it deserves your attention.

Another thing ... something thats been getting to me lately, the occurance of these types of About Me sections on myspace:

"Never under any circumstances say,
"things can't get any worse."
because life will prove you wrong. "

(Courtesy of Benno, a fellow fugitive to these about me's)

Why is our society so negative, its like we are all down and out ... how did we get like this ? We can sit their and make our snide comments but people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones and no doubt we have said or written something like this sometime or another.

The cure you ask ???

Jason Mraz - Make it Mine ... if you can sit there and still be depressed while listening to this song then, and only then, you can throw in the towel.

Spread the love

k.p ... s2

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Fresh Air


Heres an interesting read: http://membres.lycos.fr/chewinggumworld/wrigleyh.htm

Dig it !!!

Star Sightings

I was reading the Star Signs in the STM today and came across one that tickled my fancies, its pretty deep so put your thinking caps on:

June 23 - July 23

We are spirits, beings from the ethereal realm, taking up temporary residence in a physical form. Once we return to whence we came, we can spend eternity enjoying the tranquility of non-existence. Will that include prosperity? Well, if we are nothing and we have nothing, we will want for nothing. Meanwhile, back here, the object of the exercise is challenge. We have come to face it- and rise to it!

Take up the challenge !!! Chase the dream

Peace, love and ecstacy

willow s2

In the Beginning

Seen as my Australia Idol, The G man himself, has his own blog and I want to be just like him I figured a good start would be to get one up and running. As a rule this blog will just be the random thoughts or things I come across in my wanderings and will, more than likely, not make alot of sense at times (more often then not).

To kick things off check out this young fella's profile on myspace, www.myspace.com/campbell ellis. Good local talent and hopefully I can get a few people to look at this blog so he can get some more exposure.

Thats all for now

Stay Classy

willow ... s2 (if you look close enough that s and 2 together make a weird looking heart)